Sunday, March 29, 2009

Christ & Culture

Did I tell you that the Trinity Western University - of which the Laurentian Leadership Centre is an extension - is a private, Christian Liberal arts University? 
So students here often read books on Christianity. 'Christ and Culture' of H. Richard Niebuhr is one of these books ... so, I thought maybe I should try to read this too. So this Sunday - the Lord's day - after my sunday nap, I started to read ...
This book is certainly not easy reading. H. Richard Niebuhr treats what is arguably the most basic ethical question of the Christian faith: how is Christ relevant to the world in which we live now? In his book Niebuhr describes various understandings of Christ ‘against’, ‘of’, and ‘above’ culture, as well as Christ ‘transforming’ culture, and Christ in ‘paradoxical’ relation to it.

All very confusing for a little rat like me, but the students here like the book.


Blogger Shaketownman said...

Woody, you're amazing!

11:15 PM  
Blogger Woodyrat said...

Hahaha Froggy ... you're amazing too! Have a nice time in the Netherlands. I am coming back soon to Europe too, hope to meet you there.

12:32 AM  
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