Monday, April 07, 2008

Meeting Charles IV, Prague

Here you see me with in the background the impressive statue of Charles IV (1316-1378).

Charles IV inherited Luxembourg and the Kingdom of Bohemia from his father. He was crowned King of Bohemia as Charles I (!), was elected King of the Romans (rex Romanorum), and was crowned King of Italy and Holy Roman Emperor. With his coronation as King of Burgundy he became the personal ruler of all the kingdoms of the Holy Roman Empire.

He rebuilt Prague on the model of Paris, establishing the New Town of Prague (Nové Město). He made Prague the imperial capital, refusing even at the insistence of Petrarch to move to Rome, and he was a great builder in that city, which bears his name in so many spots: Charles University, Charles Bridge, and Charles Square.

I feel but a small, small rat in front of this impressive statue of this impressive historical figure!