Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Theresienschule, Berlin

Today I went to Joachim’s school in Berlin. There was a special event in his school today, which is called THEMUN. The THE stands for the name of his school which is Theresienschule, and MUN stands for Model United Nations.

In this event all students of the 11th grade have to take part. The students are divided into different delegations and they have to inform themselves about the very country and the government.
Then they meet for two days in the school to debate about different resolutions and to adopt one of them.
Mainly this event is good for the students to improve their english skills but also to get to know about the way the UN works.
I took part in this event together with Joachim. We were the Indonesian delegation. His friend on the picture represented DPR Korea. I liked this project very much because it's very interesting (and sometimes very funny) to debate with delegations from different countries. And it's very useful if your travellin' like me.


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